Multiple ring tones to personalize call experience.
Unlimited Call-Waiting count. Users decide what calls to accept.
Document Exchange capability to enhance communication experience.
Invitation service via e-mail.
Meetings scheduling and Cancellation service.
High Fidelity audio transmission to support voice communication and music playback.
Separate communication windows for all session participants.
Record communications for later playback.
Video Calling, Hangouts and Meetings.
High Resolution Video feed to provide impeccable live images.
Communication indicators to let listeners quickly identify speakers.
Shoot photos of remote friends and colleagues.
Audio Calling, Hangouts and Meetings.
Communication indicators to let listeners quickly identify speakers.
Built-in Noise and Echo control to support lower quality microphones.
Text Calling, Hangouts and Meetings.
Real-time exchange of text with virtually no wait time.
Indicators and Alarm to announce receipt of text messages.
Document Exchange capability to enhance text messaging experience.